we always have 2 options.
Yes or No
it make us more difficult to make a decision
Because some things really need a deep consideration
before we can make the decision.
When we think we should answer "yes"
we will afraid that we might regret not saying "NO"
In the end..?
we are in the crossroad. thinking which road we should take.
Is it better if we have third choice?
But "Maybe" always the excuse for the coward.
They afraid that consequences they will have when have firm answer
Because life is always about choosing
so everyday we choose.
The person is brave when they take responsibility for what they did.
So no matter the answer "yes" or "no"
Just choose what we think the best for us.
Because we are brave enough
to take all the consequences after that.
The road not taken always been my favorite poem.:)
Because of the meaning behind it.